Lease & Sales Information
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The Lease & Sale information form allows users to enter the relevant sale and rental information for the asset. One asset may have been sold and or rented in the past and Interval allows you to record this historical information to assess market trends over time.
Add consideration: Click the “add consideration” button to enter new sale or lease information for this asset.
Currency: Use this field to select the appropriate currency in which the asset has been sold or rented out.
Tenure: If you wish to enter a sale, please select the freehold tenure form. If you wish to entre information relative to a lease, then select the leasehold option.
Freehold: Use this field to write down the sale price of the property
Leasehold Terms:
The first step is to define whether the information that is entered relates to a headline rent, or an effective rent as defined by the RICS: Headline Rent is the actual contracted periodic rental payment under the lease, which becomes payable after all the initial incentives or concessions in the letting have ended. It is sometimes referred to as the ‘face rent’. Effective Rent is the rent that would be agreed between the parties for a letting of the premises on the relevant terms and conditions, but without incentives forming part of the transaction. The net effective rent is sometimes referred to as the ‘equivalent rent’.
The general information section includes information related to the lease start date, duration, and any other incentives part of the lease such as the rent free and fitting out periods, or capital payments made by the landlord to the tenant or conversely
The Rent section allows users to indicate the total rent per period (either monthly, quarterly in advance or yearly in arrear) as well as any rent review part of the lease.
Expenses & reimbursable: Use this section to entre all subsidiary costs linked to the lease such as recoverable expense paid by the tenant to the landlord (to cover property management fees, utilities, or maintenance & operations fees for instance) or non-recoverable (out of pocket expenses incurred directly by the landlord) usually not part of the lease contract itself.
Notes: use this field to enter any additional relevant information you may have on the lease such as particular covenants or easements for instance that are not directly captured by Interval.
Sources: The source section allows users to indicate where the information is coming from, whether it is a transacted or listed sale /rental information, its credibility, and type of source (from notary archives, broker agents, etc.). Users can also add screenshots and pictures of the information if needed.