Users List
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The 'User Management' page allows you to efficiently manage users, as well as control security and access to the different parts of the InterVal platform. From this central hub, you can add new users, modify user roles and permissions, and maintain an organized user base. This page ensures that each user has the appropriate level of access to the system based on their responsibilities and contributions to the comparable database and assignments.
Review the numbered labels on the screenshot below and read the associated text to learn more about the different features on this page.
Add New User: Click this button to open a user form and input all the necessary information to create a new user account. This button will only appear for those with Administrator rights.
Total User Count: This section displays the total number of users in the system, including both active and inactive accounts.
Active User Count: This module shows the number of user accounts that are active and in use by the system. Administrators can deactivate accounts, as needed.
User Search: Use this search bar to filter the user table (below) solutions by name, allowing you to quickly find specific users.
User Filters: These dropdown menus allow you to filter the user table by qualification (e.g., Certified Valuer or Supporting Staff) and user role.
Reset Filters: Click this button to reset all applied filters and restore the default view of the user table.
User List: This table lists all users in the system, with each user occupying a single row. The table provides an overview of key user information.
User Qualification: This column indicates the user's qualification. "Certified Valuer" allows the user to conduct valuation assignments, while "Supporting Staff" limits the user to adding comparables to the database or assisting valuers with their assignments.
User Role: This column shows the user's assigned role, which determines their access rights to specific system functionalities. Roles are fully customizable and can be created and managed on the Roles management page.
User Assignments: This column displays the number of assignments the user is currently involved in.
User Status: This column indicates the user's current status (active or inactive). The status can be changed from here to deactivate a user if needed.
User Actions: Two buttons are available for each user. The first button is a tooltip that displays the user's basic information, while the second button allows you to edit all information related to that user, provided that one has Administrator rights.