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The adjustment tab gives valuers the tools to make adjustments to the comparables selected based on their characteristics and overall condition compared to the target property being valued.
Table: This table references all size entries available for the comparables and the target property according to different measurement standards. The measurement standard selected in the T.O.E. is indicated for reference purposes. Some comparables’ sizes may be initially reported on another basis as the one adopted by the user, in which case one has the possibility to provide a converted figure.
Size selection: Users must indicate with which size they wish to continue the valuation process using the action check validation.
Overview: a look at the comparables or the target property details is accessible through the blue eye icon in the table.
Comparable deletion: if necessary, users can remove a comparable from the list by clicking on the red bin icon
Table: Criterions allow the user to display the characteristics (a criterion) of the target property and the comparables . Selected criterions will be displayed in the valuation report.
Add existing criterions: The user can use existing standard fields (number of rooms, handover standard, location) from the database and select them through a pop-up modal that displays all available information for the property and comparables alike.
Add custom criterions: Users can add a new criterion through a dedicated pop-up modal and select:
The name;
The category to which this criterion relates;
The input for each comparable
Add from template: Users can use existing templates saved in the Agency template database system for consistency across all valuations. This feature allows to always use the same set of criterions for one type of property.
Deletion: if necessary, users can remove a criterion from the list by clicking on the red bin icon
Edit: Users can edit the input for a criterion of one or several comparables by using the blue pen icon.
Overview: a look at the comparables or the target property details is accessible through the blue eye icon in the table.
Comparable deletion: if necessary, users can remove a comparable from the list by clicking on the red bin icon
Table: The adjustment table allows the user to select which adjustments will be used to quantitatively compare the subject property and the comparables. A description explaining the reasoning behind the adjustment can be entered for the sake of transparency..
Add adjustments : The user can use existing standard fields (number of rooms, handover standard, location) from the database and select them through a pop-up modal that displays all entries. Custom options are also available: users need to enter the name of the adjustment and its description.
Add from template: Users can use existing templates saved in the Agency template database system for consistency across all valuations. This feature allows to always use the same set of adjustment for one type of property.
Quantitative adjustment: there are two options to enter your adjustment - by clicking on the red minus and green plus signs, or by simply manually typing the value you wish in the field
Deletion: if necessary, users can remove an adjustment from the list by clicking on the red bin icon
Edit: Users can edit the input for an adjustment (description and justification) of one or several comparables by using the blue pen icon.
Overview: a look at the comparables or the target property details is accessible through the blue eye icon in the table.
Comparable deletion: if necessary, users can remove a comparable from the list by clicking on the red bin icon
Table: This table allows the user to weight the comparables in the valuation process and explain the reasoning behind this step. A total of 100% weight must be given before proceeding to the next step.
Weighting: each comparable must be weighed with the total weight of the comparables equalling 100%.
Justification: the user must reconcile the weight of each comparable and provides its reasoning.
Target property value: The property value in the applicable currency is indicated in green, along with the per unit value just above.
Capital allowance: Use this field to make capital allowances to the property value arrived at. This may be applicable for post valuation work estimates or adjustment for land value.
Overview: a look at the comparables or the target property details is accessible through the blue eye icon in the table.
Comparable deletion: if necessary, users can remove a comparable from the list by clicking on the red bin icon