Preliminaries Review
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The preliminaries review form gives users the possibility to review the inputs selected during the drafting of the Terms of Engagement.
Table: Here you can review the assumptions, special assumptions and departures as agreed upon in the T.O.E. If any changes occurred during the valuation assignment, notice must be made to the client. Any change or deletion of an initial entry must be carefully analysed and justified.
Edit: Use this field to edit an existing or new assumption, special assumption or departure. If a TOE entry is edited, users are prompted to enter a justification that will be saved in the audit trail.
Delete: Use this field to delete an existing or new assumption, special assumption or departure. If a TOE entry is deleted, users are prompted to enter a justification that will be saved in the audit trail.
Add assumptions / special assumption / departure: If applicable, use this field to add new assumptions, special assumptions or departures for the valuation. Users can select from the existing databases or add a completely new entry.
Status: this field shows whether the entry is valid or not for the valuation.
Table: Use this table to add information related to RICS Red Book VPGA 10 that was not previously known when the T.O.E. was initially signed with the client.
Edit: Use this field to edit an existing or new VPGA 10. If a TOE entry is edited, users are prompted to enter a justification that will be saved in the audit trail.
Delete: Use this field to delete an existing or new VPGA 10. If a TOE entry is deleted, users are prompted to enter a justification that will be saved in the audit trail.
Add VPGA 10: If applicable, use this field to add new VPGA 10 applicable for the valuation. Users can select from the existing databases or add a completely new entry.
Status: this field shows whether the entry is valid or not for the valuation.
Table: This forms allows the valuer to review and compare the list of initial documents requested to the client to perform the valuation. Should a document / information have not been made available to the valuer during the valuation assignment, the impact on the valuation must be made clear by the valuer.
External reference: this field shows the type of document, I.e. a flood map, a cadastral map, tenancy schedules, etc
Was it provided: this field indicates whether or not the document was provided by the client or obtained by the valuer from any other source. If a document necessary, whether legally or practically, to conduct the valuation is not available, assumptions or special assumptions may be requested to ascertain the nature of the information contained within the report.
Edit: user may justify the absence of a document by including an assumption or special assumption. Those entries will be reflected in the report.
Delete: user may chose to delete an assumption or special assumption deemed not necessary. Any changes will be marked in the valuation audit trail.