Liquidation Value
The liquidation value module gives you the possibility to perform valuations adopting the Liquidation Value basis of value. It can be performed either as a standalone valuation, or in conjunction with another valuation carried out with a different basis of value, such as Market value for instance. While the framework for this type of valuation remains the same, Interval incorporates several features to simplify the use and application of the Liquidation Value basis.
In the Market Data Tab of the valuation process, you can elect to use an existing valuation made on the same target property as a basis for the Liquidation Value estimate, or chose to carry out a valuation from scratch by selecting your market data and comparables.
Liquidation Value estimate tab:
Premise of Value: This indicates users which premise of value is considered for the valuation, either orderly liquidation or forced sale
Disposal Period: this allows you to select the disposal period input, whether it is in month, days or years.
Discount: If an existing valuation has been used as a starting point to derive the liquidation value of the asset, you can chose to apply a discount to the estimated value to arrive at the final Liquidation Value.
The summary page of the valuation process indicates the total discount made on the property to arrive at the Liquidation Value
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